

Brace yourself for SOMA Labs Music’s most catchy release yet! Our label doesn’t have many vocalists, so we are proud to present the poppy synth sensibilities and voice of new SLM artist inuiit. Groovy basslines and rhythms, hypnotising vocal hooks and outstanding production qualities take the listener on a wild ride through different imaginary lands. Using both acoustic instruments and electronic ones, including SOMA Rumble of Ancient Times, rhvm_I presents an incredibly musically skilful and varied debut for SLM.
Brace yourself for SOMA Labs Music’s most catchy release yet! Our label doesn’t have many vocalists, so we are proud to present the poppy synth sensibilities and voice of new SLM artist inuiit. Groovy basslines and rhythms, hypnotising vocal hooks and outstanding production qualities take the listener on a wild ride through different imaginary lands. Using both acoustic instruments and electronic ones, including SOMA Rumble of Ancient Times, rhvm_I presents an incredibly musically skilful and varied debut for SLM.
Music made by humans is everything that happened, from drawing the first bow of feelings up till release, from the first road ever crossed when the first bit of beat crossed one’s mind till the last heartwarming connection budding from flower to fruit people make via the piece of music composed by another human being.
So at first, there was noise, bits of roars, buzzing and hissing, in short wafts of air blown through Nico’s saxophone bleeding through Peter’s ears and gears. Then there came Kakos’ Rumble, the river Danube, traffic and street sounds, and islands of quiet…, documentaries about people living in rainforests and rocky deserts, books on scatterlings and taverns. All these made up the source for the boiling, superheated whirls, opening up like hot springs, flowing into a river of hand-made rhythmic interactions and interferences.

Release date: 12.05.2024

Label: SOMA Labs Music

Artwork: inuiit

Press release: Thomas Lundberg, Regina Volkova

The seventy-six minutes of rhvm could never have been made without:
Nicolas Lefèvre’s initiative, nurturing critiques, wonderful mastering studio, and his tireless patience along the yearlong process of the making;
SOMA Laboratory as the organizer and the well equipped terrain for extraordinary musical cooperations;
Kakos Nonos, the inventor of Rumble of Ancient Times, a main source of sonic inspiration throughout the making of the triple EP;
and Regina Volkova, smoothing out all the wrinkles on the canvas of the everyday issues during music-release;
Attila József, one of the finest poets born in Hungary, sensitive to the slightest resonances in the souls of his people and the landscape;
Djibril Diop Mambéty and his masterful description of the winds blowing where the Sahara meets the Atlantic;
Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newly, the original writers of the collection of words scatted through Birds & All;
and Nina Simone, spreading these magic words;
and not least: love, friends, the people who helped navigate this feeble ship of making heavily orchestrated music alone.”

Lukács Péter (inuiit)